Thursday, February 28, 2008

I want the iPhone.

I want the iPhone phone. This cell phone is a revolutionary new mobile phone. I like, because the iPhone has contact from a Windows PC, Mac, or Internet service. It’s a phone. You can call, SMS, voice mail, photos and different ring-tones. It’s iPod, because you can have music, video and Wi-Fi store. You can use the iPhone with the Internet, so you have e-mail, maps, widgets, and proximity sensor. I like. I can have personal and business information. It’s portable, has a nice black color, and comfortable size and weight. The iPhone is available in an 8GB model for $399.00 and a new 16GB model for $499.00. Please that somebody give me one! I want one. My birthday’s in August 03.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

My Nieces and my Nephew

My Nieces and my Nephew
Jimena and Natalia are my nieces. Carlos Alberto is nephew. They are beautiful babies. Jimena was born in August 02, 2006. She has only eighteen mounts. She is the first niece in my family. When she was born my family had a big party. Now Jimena can say some words, for example: I want water, milk and food. She has straight hair and beautiful and expressive eyes. Natalia has thirteen mounts; she is a baby very intelligent and active. She lovely the books and play with her parents. Natalia has blue eyes and blond hair. Carlos Alberto has five mounts. He is so cute. My nieces and my nephew are very intelligent, lovely and beautiful. I miss them.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Baula Turtle

Baula Turtle
Costa Rica has the Baula Turtles in Playa Grande this is in The Pacific Ocean. The Baula turtle is bigger turtle in the world. Their sizes can reach up to 180cm, and 500kg in weight. Their habitats are open water and coastal habitats. Their status is critically endangered, because the population around the world is approximately 34 000 nesting females. In Playa Grande the Baula turtle fall of 1367 in 1988-1989 an only 52 in 2004-2005. In addiction, The Republic Government and others Associations work together for preservation of this specie. Many people work in education and conservation, but these activities are not easy. Also, a lot of people have donated money for purchase of lands and programs of environmental protection. I know the Baula turtle it is a big animal and has mystic beauty. Probably, our children won’t know them.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

If I won the lottery. What would I do?

If I won the lottery. What would I do?

OK. First, I need to be absolutely sure of my ticket. Second, I will scream for my good luck. Third, I will feel like dancing and crying… jajaja I think than somebody who wins the lottery is very confused, because many things in their lives. Many people change their feelings, thoughts, and opinions about their own believes and customs. Maybe, they will spend the money on new houses, cars, and trips. In my opinion I would spend the money on new financial investments, and new businesses. I would feel like giving money for different programs or associations. Perhaps, I can pay other studies for my family and me in other countries

Saturday, February 2, 2008

About my country: Costa Rica

About my Country: Costa Rica
Costa Rica is a small country in Central America, but it is a country beautiful and friendly. It has volcanos, beaches with white sand, rivers, green mountains, etc. Costa Rica has 4% of the global Biodiversity in flora and fauna. It has the Pacific Ocean and Caribean Sea. The Weather is tropical all year, and the summer extends from December until April. Every summer, Costa Rica receives millions of tourists. Costa Rica has many hotels of very high quality and service. The food is delicious. For example: “Gallo pinto” for the breakfast, the “Picadillos” for the lunch and the shellfish for a special dinner on the beach. The life in Costa Rica is very relaxing for the tourists, because they have many different adventures activities every day. You can do canopy tours, sky-walking tours, bungee, rafting, mountain biking, horseback riding, jogging, etc. The most important thing is enjoying the opportunity of a vacation in Costa Rica, because of the many foods, places you to see will and the people you will meet.